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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE


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N° spécial revue
BOULIN Jean-Yves (coord.)
Transfer, vol. 26, n° 4, nov. 2020 | pp. 367-485

Thème : Environnement social politique
Mots-clés : Relations professionnelles, Salaire, Action collective, Construction automobile, Travailleur indépendant
Langue : anglais

Sommaire :

- Northern European collective wage bargaining in the face of major political-economic challenges: common and differing trajectories/Paul Marginson, Jon Erik Dølvik
- The extension of collective agreements in France, Portugal and Spain/Miguel Ángel García Calavia, Michael Rigby
- Post-socialist labour and the dual logic of collective action: workers' unrest and trade union strategy in Fiat Automobiles Serbia/Francesco Bagnardi, Valentina Petrović
- Trade union responses to precarious employment: the role of power resources in defending precarious flight attendants at Ryanair/Pedro Mendonça
- ‘Grey zones' within dependent employment: formal and informal forms of on-call work in Germany/Karen Jaehrling, Thorsten Kalina
- Beyond European unemployment insurance. Less moral hazard, more moral assurance?/Günther Schmid


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