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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE


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N° spécial revue

Sommaire :

PhD showcase
- Navigating the Labour Market : Women Job Seekers' Mobilisation of a Postfeminist Sensibility/Ruth Abrams, Deborah Brewis, Miguel Imas

- Turning Social Capital into Scientific Capital: Men's Networking in Academia/Margaretha Järvinen, Nanna Mik-Meyer
- Inequality Regimes in Coworking Spaces : How New Forms of Organising (Re)produce Inequalities/Lena Knappert, Boukje Cnossen, Renate Ortlieb
- Parental Exposure to Work Schedule Instability and Child Sleep Quality/Allison Logan, Daniel Schneider
- How do parents care together ? : dyadic parental leave take-up strategies, wages and workplace characteristics/Marie Valentova
- Unions, technology and social class inequalities in the US, 1984–2019/Saverio Minardi
- Medicalisation of Unemployment : An Analysis of Sick Leave for the Unemployed in Germany Using a Three-Level Model/Philipp Linden, Nadine Reibling
- How Institutional Logics Inform Emotional Labour : An Ethnography of Junior Doctors/Priyanka Vedi, Marek Korczynski, Simon Bishop
- Characteristics or Returns : Understanding Gender Pay Inequality among College Graduates in the USA/Joanna Dressel, Paul Attewell, Liza Reisel, Kjersti Misje Østbakken
- Working like Machines : Technological Upgrading and Labour in the Dutch Agri-food Chain/Karin Astrid Siegmann, Petar Ivošević, Oane Visser
- Marketisation and the Public Good : A Typology of Responses among Museum Professionals/Jeremy Aroles, Kevin Morrell

Themed Collection Introduction: Men at work – masculinities in work and employment settings
- Men at Work : How Are Masculinities Constituted and Performed in Work and Employment Settings ?/Andreas Giazitzoglu

Book Reviews
- Sarah Waters, Suicide Voices: Labour Trauma in France/William Fleming
- Ian Greer and Charles Umney, Marketization: How Capitalist Exchange Disciplines Workers and Subverts Democracy (Autonomy and Automation)/Stephen Bryant
- Irene Sotiropoulou, Machines Against Measures/Konstantinos Kerasovitis


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