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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

The highly skilled Maghrebians "on the move" : a circular cross-border dynamic from the Mediterranean.

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Auteur(s) : CARDONA GIL Emmanuel, JAMID Hicham, GARDELLE Linda
Journal of Mediterranean knowledge, vol. 1, n° 1, juin 2016, pp. 45-64

Thème : Emploi
Mots-clés : Jeune diplômé, Afrique du Nord, Mobilité géographique

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Résumé : Arising from the internationalization of training, when communication conditions have changed and now offer innumerable opportunities, highly skilled graduates manage their careers confident of unlimited possibilities. Following a qualitative study carried out within a research project on Maghrebian graduates educated in French engineering schools, this paper aims at analyzing the migration process of Maghrebian engineers. It was observed that the migration of these highly skilled individuals is neither irrevocable nor unidirectional. They may be regarded as being permanently "on the move" between their home country, the country where they studied and other destinations. At the cutting edge of IT, their mastery of digital technologies enables them to be almost permanently connected with several worlds - home or (former) host country(ies). They develop new strategies which symbolically question national borders and create multiple identities or hybrids of transcultural values. [résumé auteurs]


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