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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

Entangled politicizations : democracy against the market in long-term care policies ?, in : Giraud Olivier (dir.), Lallement Michel (dir.).- Decentering comparative analysis in a globalizing world.

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Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : GIRAUD Olivier
Leiden : Brill, 2022, pp. 458-483
Coll. International comparative social studies

Thème : Sociologie
Mots-clés : Politique sociale, Sociologie politique, Comparaison

Résumé : This volume focuses on the issue of decentering comparative analysis. This chapter chooses to use the method of local intra-national comparative case
studies to achieve this goal. The comparative analysis of local case studies is a classical methodological way to tackle the comparative challenge of multisclarity. At the local level, it is possible to observe a great range of actors, institutions, ideas, techniques, or social forms that are present for either historical or institutional reasons, or because they have circulated throughout social spaces. [premières lignes]

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