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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

The recruitment process in a multinational travel company, in : Guibert Christophe (dir.), Réau Bertrand (dir.).- Employment and tourism : new research perspectives in the social sciences.

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Chapitre d'ouvrage
Auteur(s) : RÉAU Bertrand
Londres : Springer, 2023, pp. 113-130
Coll. SpringerBriefs in sociology

Thème : Emploi
Mots-clés : Tourisme, Travail saisonnier, Recrutement, Entreprise internationale
Langue : anglais

Résumé : On the basis of several field studies and of data provided by the firm, this article analyzes the hiring of seasonal workers in a multinational corporation operating in the field of tourism. Because it brings face to face representatives of an institution, in a broad sense, and candidates, the job interview represents an unequal situation that tests both the legitimacy of the institution as an interrogator, and the belief of the candidates in the worthiness of the stake. The candidate temporarily accepts the authority and, sometimes, the violence of the questions, while the recruiter tries to gain access to the “truth” about the candidate, a “truth” that will make it possible to assess – according to the criteria of the institution – whether (s)he is adequate for the job. Moving away from the theories that focus exclusively on action regimes and on the forms of judgment, this article shows that the hiring process is also premised on the social dispositions and characteristics of the candidates and of the recruiters. The recruitment situation is thus a privileged moment if one wants to analyze the connivance of their respective habituses. [résumé auteurs]

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