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- Asylum-seekers and refugees within Europe and labour market integration/Johanna K Schenner, Anders Neergaard - Refugee integration policy the Norwegian way – why good ideas fail and bad ideas prevail/Anne Britt Djuve, Hanne Cecilie Kavli - Initial employment pathways of immigrants in Germany. Why legal contexts of reception matter – an analysis of life-course data/Janina Söhn - Problematising refugee migrants in the Swedish forestry sector/Eva Wikström, Anna Sténs - Asylum-seekers and the ‘hyper-precarity trap' in Austria, Finland and Italy/Johanna K Schenner, Paola Cavanna, Natalia Ollus
News and Background - What issues do refugees face in integrating into labour markets? Evidence from Slovenia/Brigita Vončina, Nina Marin - Integration of beneficiaries of international protection in the Lithuanian labour market: policies and practices/Giedrė Blažytė, Karolis Žibas - The role of the EU in integrating asylum-seekers and refugees: limitations and opportunities/Klára Fóti