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Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE
Centre de documentation sur la formation et le travailPORTAIL DOCUMENTAIRE

Towards European standards for monitoring and evaluation of lifelong guidance systems and services. Vol. 3 : understanding the challenges in estimating investments and costs in publicly financed measures supporting adult career development.

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Étude et rapport
Auteur(s) : Cedefop
Luxembourg : Office des publications de l'Union européenne, 12/2023, 90 p.
Coll. Cedefop working paper, n° 19

Thème : Orientation tout au long de la vie
Mots-clés : Orientation tout au long de la vie, Orientation professionnelle, Service public de l'orientation, Politique publique, Investissement

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Langue : anglais

Résumé : This report is the third volume of a Cedefop study on developing EU standards for monitoring and evaluating (M&E) lifelong guidance systems and services, expanding the evidence base on outcomes and impacts of career development support. The report deals mainly with input, and, to some degree, output elements (1); it aims at generating better understanding of the costs of publicly financed measures involving career development and career guidance for adults and the methodologies for estimating costs in measures supporting adult career development. The report is another step in Cedefop's effort in moving towards common understanding about standards for lifelong guidance in the EU, for the young and adults. It involves collecting information on data and suitable methodological approaches used for monitoring and evaluation in the wider field, including potential for innovation and development. Other unexpected findings, challenges and lessons learned during the study also add to its value. Although it focuses on career development measures for adults, the content of the report and other volumes can also benefit other sectors serving the young, such as in school guidance services.. [résumé éditeur]

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