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Annexes : bibliographie Résumé : Nowadays, the concept of innovation is omnipresent in most political discourses as well as in technological, socio-economic and scientific development plans. Innovation is essential for solving complex problems in new ways, which can lead countries to development and prosperity. The realisation of an innovation is not the result of a random act, but the product of a multidisciplinary process,rich in methods and scientific and technical tools, using materials and human resources. These human resources, in particular engineers, must possess both technical and soft skills that strengthen their capacity to innovate, and which have been in continual development since the initial training phase. Innovation is at the heart of engineer training concerns and requires management and structuring according to a well-defined process. The objective of this paper is to present the approach followed to define an innovation training process model for engineers through Project Based Learning (PBL). In this work, we have identified the main components of our process through a combination of data from the literature review and the results of an empirical study. Innovative projects in the field of mechanical engineering,carried out by future Moroccan engineers,were studied in depth. The results of the study enabled the identification of the different elements characterising the process of carrying out an innovative project such as the inputs, outputs, control milestones and resources required for the implementation of innovative educational projects in this field. These elements were supported by semi-directive interviews to form the basis of our systemic modelling. [résumé auteures]